Uses of Class

Packages that use SigningPrivateKey
Interfaces and factories for the base I2P SDK used to develop applications that communicate through I2P.
Implements the base I2P SDK for developing applications that communicate through I2P.
Provides a standard way for querying the local naming service to resolve a name into a Destination (without the complexity of JNDI).
These classes provide a number of low-level cryptographic routines.
These classes define the common data structures used by the various I2P protocols.
The Invisible Internet Client Protocol (I2CP) allows applications simplified access to the I2P network without requiring them to deal with the issues involved with the Invisible Internet Network Protocol (I2NP).
The UI for adding tunnels and editing their configurations, implemented as a webapp packaged in i2ptunnel.war.
The I2P router application handles the I2P network communication.
The I2P startup package loads the configuration when I2P is started.
The UDP transport (also known as 'SSU transport') allows passing I2P messages on top of UDP.
These classes define the several useful utilities used throughout the router and applications.