
    Repository for user-selectable postinstall scripts for my custom distro
    This repository was generated with [apt-now](https://cmotc.github.io/apt-now), a static site
    generator which emits apt repositories

    ###to add this repository to your Debian-based system:

    echo "deb https://eyedeekay.github.io/postinstall/deb-pkg rolling main" |           sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/eyedeekay.github.io.postinstall.list

    wget -qO - https://eyedeekay.github.io/postinstall/eyedeekay.github.io.postinstall.gpg.key |           sudo apt-key add -

    ###alternatively via Tor:

    echo "deb http:///deb-pkg rolling main" |           sudo tee /etc/apt/source.list.d/.list

    wget -qO - http:///eyedeekay.github.io.postinstall.gpg.key |           sudo apt-key add -