
Keeping track of my I2P stuff. Contact me on Bote: vmR2XehPFxZcLEXtgqdbn9v0rXeI7P8Zs8WWtrZ8Mim-r4qj1186Q2LaBusGm4i4XSX21UpEthAFjnFPlaPqKA



  1. Basic HTTP Service Tutorial
  1. SSH Tunnel Tutorial
  1. Mattermost Guides
  1. Setting up an NNTP Client for NNTP


  1. So You Want to Write a SAM Library
  1. Writing an HTTP Proxy for your Application in Go


  1. Basic eepSite
  1. Mirror a github pages site
  1. Play Freeciv over I2P
  1. Set up an Internet Radio Station



  1. gosam
  1. sam3
  1. Jsam
  1. ramp
  1. sam-forwarder
  1. go-i2p-dht-poc


  1. multiaddr
  1. go-garlic-tcp-transport


  1. Standalone HTTP proxy
  1. Standalone static web server
  1. SAM-Based resolver
  1. apt-transport-i2p
  1. apt-transport-i2phttp
  1. i2psetproxy.js

My Roadmap/Checklist

Split tunnel configs/Self-installing services

  1. Split configuration directories for i2ptunnel and other applications as appropriate
  1. Self-installing client/service demos for nginx(server only), ssh/sshd, and Mattermost client/server using split i2ptunnel configuration and apt

Begin re-creating an I2P Distro

  1. Port any maintainable, i2p-native bittorrent client to be apt-get installable in Debian, likely BiglyBT or XD
  1. Produce ISO for "I2P Linux Distro Redux" Project using these features

Applications, clients, and libraries

  1. Browser tunnel identity management UI WebExtension for i2p Browser build
  1. Extended SOCKS Proxy with WebExtension Native Messaging features for i2p Browser build and general use
  1. Create .deb package for Extended SOCKS proxy for PPA/Project Repo
  1. goSam - Up to SAM 3.2, better default signatures.
  1. sam3 - Up to SAM 3.2, better default signatures. Streaming, datagrams, and raw. General improvements.
  1. jsam - Further development