Generate Plugin Signing Keys

Generate Plugin Signing Keys

Generating I2P Plugin Signing Keys

This is a shell script that makes it easier to generate signing keys for I2P updates. It supports multiple update types.

Usage: ./i2pk


    -h : this message.
    -d : show local defaults.
    -l : List keys.
    -p [path] : Path to generate the keystore, usually $I2P/i2p-plugin-dev-keys.
    -c [certtype] : Type of certificate to install, plugin, router, news etc
    -f [filetype] : Type of file to bundle
    -s [signer] : Signer's e-mail address.
    -t [keytype] : Key type to use. default: RSA_SHA512_4096
    -v [version] : Version to use. default: 0.0.1
    -n [name] : Name to use for the key


     > generate_keys : If the keys do not already exist then.
       > create_keys : create them.
       > copy_keys : copy them to the local I2P plugin certificates directory.
     > sign [plugin .zip file] : sign a .zip file and output an .su3 file.
     > verify [plugin .su3 file] : verify an .su3 file and show the result.
     > install : install the script to the $I2P path.
     > usage : same as -h but use stderr instead of stdout.