Class Reader

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

public final class Reader extends Object implements Closeable
Instances of this class provide a reader for the MaxMind DB format. IP addresses can be looked up using the get method.
  • Constructor Details

    • Reader

      public Reader(File database) throws IOException
      Constructs a Reader for the MaxMind DB format, with no caching. The file passed to it must be a valid MaxMind DB file such as a GeoIP2 database file.
      database - the MaxMind DB file to use.
      IOException - if there is an error opening or reading from the file.
    • Reader

      public Reader(File database, NodeCache cache) throws IOException
      Constructs a Reader for the MaxMind DB format, with the specified backing cache. The file passed to it must be a valid MaxMind DB file such as a GeoIP2 database file.
      database - the MaxMind DB file to use.
      cache - backing cache instance
      IOException - if there is an error opening or reading from the file.
    • Reader

      public Reader(InputStream source) throws IOException
      Constructs a Reader with no caching, as if in mode Reader.FileMode.MEMORY, without using a File instance.
      source - the InputStream that contains the MaxMind DB file.
      IOException - if there is an error reading from the Stream.
    • Reader

      public Reader(InputStream source, NodeCache cache) throws IOException
      Constructs a Reader with the specified backing cache, as if in mode Reader.FileMode.MEMORY, without using a File instance.
      source - the InputStream that contains the MaxMind DB file.
      cache - backing cache instance
      IOException - if there is an error reading from the Stream.
    • Reader

      public Reader(File database, Reader.FileMode fileMode) throws IOException
      Constructs a Reader for the MaxMind DB format, with no caching. The file passed to it must be a valid MaxMind DB file such as a GeoIP2 database file.
      database - the MaxMind DB file to use.
      fileMode - the mode to open the file with.
      IOException - if there is an error opening or reading from the file.
    • Reader

      public Reader(File database, Reader.FileMode fileMode, NodeCache cache) throws IOException
      Constructs a Reader for the MaxMind DB format, with the specified backing cache. The file passed to it must be a valid MaxMind DB file such as a GeoIP2 database file.
      database - the MaxMind DB file to use.
      fileMode - the mode to open the file with.
      cache - backing cache instance
      IOException - if there is an error opening or reading from the file.
  • Method Details

    • get

      public Object get(InetAddress ipAddress) throws IOException
      Looks up the address in the MaxMind DB.
      ipAddress - the IP address to look up.
      the record for the IP address.
      IOException - if a file I/O error occurs.
    • countryToIP

      public void countryToIP(String country, Writer out) throws IOException
      I2P - Write all IPv4 address ranges for the given country to out.
      country - two-letter uppper-case
      out - caller must close
    • getMetadata

      public Metadata getMetadata()
      the metadata for the MaxMind DB file.
    • close

      public void close() throws IOException

      Closes the database.

      If you are using FileMode.MEMORY_MAPPED, this will not unmap the underlying file due to a limitation in Java's MappedByteBuffer. It will however set the reference to the buffer to null, allowing the garbage collector to collect it.

      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs.