Uses of Class
Packages that use HandlerImpl
Implements the base I2P SDK for developing applications that communicate
through I2P.
Uses of HandlerImpl in net.i2p.client.impl
Subclasses of HandlerImpl in net.i2p.client.implModifier and TypeClassDescription(package private) class
Handle I2CP BW replies from the router(package private) class
Handle I2CP dest replies from the router(package private) class
Handle I2CP disconnect messages from the router(package private) class
Handle I2CP dest replies from the router(package private) class
Handle I2CP MessagePayloadMessages from the router delivering the contents of a message by accepting it, decrypting the payload, adding it to the set of recieved messages, and telling the router that it has been recieved correctly.(package private) class
Handle I2CP MessageStatusMessages from the router.(package private) class
Handle I2CP RequestLeaseSetMessage from the router by granting all leases, using the specified expiration time for each lease.(package private) class
Handle I2CP RequestVariableLeaseSetMessage from the router by granting all leases, retaining the individual expiration time for each lease.(package private) class
Handle I2CP SessionStatusMessagese from the router, updating the session as necssary.(package private) class
Handle I2CP time messages from the router