Interface TaskScheduler

All Known Implementing Classes:
SchedulerClosed, SchedulerClosing, SchedulerConnectedBulk, SchedulerConnecting, SchedulerDead, SchedulerHardDisconnected, SchedulerImpl, SchedulerPreconnect, SchedulerReceived

public interface TaskScheduler
Coordinates what we do 'next'. The scheduler used by a connection is selected based upon its current state.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Determine whether this scheduler is fit to operate against the given connection
    An event has occurred (timeout, message sent, or message received), so schedule what to do next based on our current state.
  • Method Details

    • eventOccurred

      void eventOccurred(Connection con)
      An event has occurred (timeout, message sent, or message received), so schedule what to do next based on our current state.
    • accept

      boolean accept(Connection con)
      Determine whether this scheduler is fit to operate against the given connection