Class I2PTunnelHTTPBidirProxy

All Implemented Interfaces:
Runnable, EventDispatcher

public class I2PTunnelHTTPBidirProxy extends I2PTunnelHTTPClient implements Runnable
Reuse HTTP server's I2PSocketManager for a proxy with no outproxy capability.
  • Constructor Details

    • I2PTunnelHTTPBidirProxy

      public I2PTunnelHTTPBidirProxy(int localPort, Logging l, I2PSocketManager sockMgr, I2PTunnel tunnel, EventDispatcher notifyThis, long clientId)
      As of 0.9.20 this is fast, and does NOT connect the manager to the router, or open the local socket. You MUST call startRunning() for that.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the I2PTunnel does not contain valid config to contact the router