Uses of Class
Packages that use RatchetSKM
Implementation of ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet (proposal 144).
Uses of RatchetSKM in net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet
Methods in net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet that return RatchetSKMMethods in net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet with parameters of type RatchetSKMModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionECIESAEADEngine.decrypt
(byte[] data, PrivateKey targetPrivateKey, RatchetSKM keyManager) Decrypt the message using the given private key and using tags from the specified key manager.(package private) CloveSet
(byte[] data, PrivateKey targetPrivateKey, RatchetSKM keyManager) NSR/ES only.(package private) CloveSet
(byte[] data, PrivateKey targetPrivateKey, RatchetSKM keyManager) NS only.byte[]
(CloveSet cloves, PublicKey target, Destination to, PrivateKey priv, RatchetSKM keyManager, ReplyCallback callback) Encrypt the data to the target using the given key and deliver the specified tags No new session key This is the one called from GarlicMessageBuilder and is the primary entry point.Constructors in net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet with parameters of type RatchetSKM