Uses of Class
Packages that use UDPAddress
The UDP transport (also known as 'SSU transport') allows passing I2P messages on top of UDP.
Uses of UDPAddress in net.i2p.router.transport.udp
Methods in net.i2p.router.transport.udp that return UDPAddressConstructors in net.i2p.router.transport.udp with parameters of type UDPAddressModifierConstructorDescriptionOutboundEstablishState
(RouterContext ctx, RemoteHostId claimedAddress, RemoteHostId remoteHostId, RouterIdentity remotePeer, boolean allowExtendedOptions, boolean needIntroduction, SessionKey introKey, UDPAddress addr, DHSessionKeyBuilder.Factory dh) protected
(RouterContext ctx, RemoteHostId claimedAddress, RemoteHostId remoteHostId, RouterIdentity remotePeer, boolean needIntroduction, SessionKey introKey, UDPAddress addr) For SSU2OutboundEstablishState2
(RouterContext ctx, UDPTransport transport, RemoteHostId claimedAddress, RemoteHostId remoteHostId, RouterIdentity remotePeer, boolean needIntroduction, SessionKey introKey, RouterAddress ra, UDPAddress addr) Prepare to start a new handshake with the given peer.