Interface TunnelGateway.QueuePreprocessor

All Known Implementing Classes:
BatchedPreprocessor, BatchedRouterPreprocessor, TrivialPreprocessor, TrivialRouterPreprocessor
Enclosing class:

public static interface TunnelGateway.QueuePreprocessor
  • Method Details

    • preprocessQueue

      boolean preprocessQueue(List<PendingGatewayMessage> pending, TunnelGateway.Sender sender, TunnelGateway.Receiver receiver)
      Caller must synchronize on the list!
      pending - list of Pending objects for messages either unsent or partly sent. This list should be update with any values removed (the preprocessor owns the lock) Messages are not removed from the list until actually sent. The status of unsent and partially-sent messages is stored in the Pending structure.
      true if we should delay before preprocessing again
    • getDelayAmount

      long getDelayAmount()
      how long do we want to wait before flushing