Package net.i2p.servlet
package net.i2p.servlet
RequestWrapper was a susimail class, moved from susimail to jetty-i2p.jar when we needed them in the router console also. As of 0.9.19. Requires org.mortbay classes also in this jar. Will be maintained as a public API until we move to Tomcat 7 (servlet 3.0).
ClassesClassDescriptionCommon servlet for errors This is intended for webapps and local plugins.Extends DefaultServlet to set locale for the displayed time of directory listings, to prevent leaking of the locale.Refactored in 0.9.33 to use Servlet 3.0 API and remove dependency on old Jetty 5 MultiPartRequest code.Work around the "No org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager set in ServletContext" problem for eepsites with webapps.