Uses of Class
Packages that use SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent
Implementation of a TCP-like (reliable, authenticated, in order) set of sockets for
communicating over the IP-like (unreliable, unauthenticated, unordered) I2P
Implementation of ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet (proposal 144).
The I2P startup package loads the configuration when I2P is started.
The UDP transport (also known as 'SSU transport') allows passing I2P messages on top of UDP.
All the work of managing locally created and participating tunnels,
creating and handling tunnel messages, and their encryption.
These classes define the several useful utilities used
throughout the router.
The router console user interface, implemented in routerconsole.jar, with these classes
supporting the webapp in routerconsole.war.
These classes define the several useful utilities used
throughout the router and applications.
I2P version of the snark bittorrent client, imported in 2005 and heavily enhanced
to add a web UI, DHT support, and other features.
Uses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.client.streaming.impl
Subclasses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.client.streaming.implModifier and TypeClassDescription(package private) class
This is not normally scheduled.(package private) class
A single retransmit timer for all packets. -
Uses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet
Subclasses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchetModifier and TypeClassDescription(package private) class
Send an empty message if the timer expires.Methods in net.i2p.router.crypto.ratchet with parameters of type SimpleTimer2.TimedEventModifier and TypeMethodDescription(package private) boolean
(PublicKey target, Destination d, SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent timer) Side effect - binds this session to the supplied destination. -
Uses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.router.startup
Subclasses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.router.startupModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic class
Public for router console only, not for use by others, subject to change -
Uses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.router.transport.udp
Subclasses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.router.transport.udpModifier and TypeClassDescription(package private) class
Initiate a test (we are Alice) -
Uses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.router.tunnel
Subclasses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.router.tunnelMethods in net.i2p.router.tunnel that return SimpleTimer2.TimedEventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFragmentedMessage.getExpireEvent()
used in the fragment handler so we can cancel the expire event on successMethods in net.i2p.router.tunnel with parameters of type SimpleTimer2.TimedEventModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent evt) -
Uses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.router.util
Fields in net.i2p.router.util declared as SimpleTimer2.TimedEventModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected final SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent
Uses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.router.web
Subclasses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.router.webModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Periodic check ref: In routerconsole because is not available in Android. -
Uses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.util
Subclasses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in net.i2p.utilModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Implements one or two timers; one for inactivity, that is reset by resetTimer(), and optionally, a total time since instantiation, that is configured by setTotalTimeoutPeriod(). -
Uses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in org.klomp.snark
Subclasses of SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent in org.klomp.snarkModifier and TypeClassDescription(package private) class
Periodically check for idle condition based on connected peers, and reduce/restore tunnel count as necessary.