Package org.json.simple

package org.json.simple

This is json-simple release 2.3.0 2017-10-04 retrieved from github.

Only the new 2.0 API is included. Unmodified, except for javadoc fixes. Apache 2.

  • Class
    DeserializationException explains how and where the problem occurs in the source JSON text during deserialization.
    The kinds of exceptions that can trigger a DeserializationException.
    Jsonables can be serialized in java script object notation (JSON).
    JsonArray is a common non-thread safe data format for a collection of data.
    Jsoner provides JSON utilities for escaping strings to be JSON compatible, thread safe parsing (RFC 4627) JSON strings, and serializing data to strings in JSON format.
    Should be implemented by Enums so that keys are easily maintained.
    JsonObject is a common non-thread safe data format for string to data mappings.
    This class is a scanner generated by JFlex 1.4.3 on 8/30/16 5:50 PM from the specification file /home/davinloegering/cliftonlabs/workspace/json-simple/src/main/lex/jsonstrict.lex
    Represents structural entities in JSON.
    Represents the different kinds of tokens.