Uses of Class
Packages that use SnarkManager
I2P version of the snark bittorrent client, imported in 2005 and heavily enhanced
to add a web UI, DHT support, and other features.
The i2psnark user interface, implemented as a webapp in i2psnark.war.
Uses of SnarkManager in org.klomp.snark
Constructors in org.klomp.snark with parameters of type SnarkManagerModifierConstructorDescriptionIdleChecker
(SnarkManager mgr, PeerCoordinatorSet pcs) Caller must scheduleUpdateHandler
(I2PAppContext ctx, UpdateManager umgr, SnarkManager smgr) UpdateRunner
(I2PAppContext ctx, UpdateManager umgr, SnarkManager smgr, UpdateType type, List<URI> uris, String newVersion) -
Uses of SnarkManager in org.klomp.snark.web
Constructors in org.klomp.snark.web with parameters of type SnarkManagerModifierConstructorDescriptionFetchAndAdd
(I2PAppContext ctx, SnarkManager mgr, String url, File dataDir) Caller should call _mgr.addDownloader(this), which will start things off.