Class CubicSplineInterpolator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CubicSplineInterpolator extends Plottable
Class used to interpolate datasource values from the collection of (timestamp, values) points using natural cubic spline interpolation.

WARNING: So far, this class cannot handle NaN datasource values (an exception will be thrown by the constructor). Future releases might change this.

  • Constructor Summary

    CubicSplineInterpolator(double[] x, double[] y)
    Creates cubic spline interpolator for an array of 2D-points.
    CubicSplineInterpolator(long[] timestamps, double[] values)
    Creates cubic spline interpolator from arrays of timestamps and corresponding datasource values.
    CubicSplineInterpolator(Calendar[] dates, double[] values)
    Creates cubic spline interpolator from arrays of GregorianCalendar objects and corresponding datasource values.
    CubicSplineInterpolator(Date[] dates, double[] values)
    Creates cubic spline interpolator from arrays of Date objects and corresponding datasource values.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getValue(double xval)
    Calculates spline-interpolated y-value for the corresponding x-value.
    getValue(long timestamp)
    Retrieves datapoint value based on a given timestamp.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • CubicSplineInterpolator

      public CubicSplineInterpolator(long[] timestamps, double[] values)
      Creates cubic spline interpolator from arrays of timestamps and corresponding datasource values.
      timestamps - timestamps in seconds
      values - corresponding datasource values
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if supplied arrays do not contain at least 3 values, or if timestamps are not ordered, or array lengths are not equal, or some datasource value is NaN.
    • CubicSplineInterpolator

      public CubicSplineInterpolator(Date[] dates, double[] values)
      Creates cubic spline interpolator from arrays of Date objects and corresponding datasource values.
      dates - Array of Date objects
      values - corresponding datasource values
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if supplied arrays do not contain at least 3 values, or if timestamps are not ordered, or array lengths are not equal, or some datasource value is NaN.
    • CubicSplineInterpolator

      public CubicSplineInterpolator(Calendar[] dates, double[] values)
      Creates cubic spline interpolator from arrays of GregorianCalendar objects and corresponding datasource values.
      dates - Array of GregorianCalendar objects
      values - corresponding datasource values
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if supplied arrays do not contain at least 3 values, or if timestamps are not ordered, or array lengths are not equal, or some datasource value is NaN.
    • CubicSplineInterpolator

      public CubicSplineInterpolator(double[] x, double[] y)
      Creates cubic spline interpolator for an array of 2D-points.
      x - x-axis point coordinates
      y - y-axis point coordinates
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if supplied arrays do not contain at least 3 values, or if timestamps are not ordered, or array lengths are not equal, or some datasource value is NaN.
  • Method Details

    • getValue

      public double getValue(double xval)
      Calculates spline-interpolated y-value for the corresponding x-value. Call this if you need spline-interpolated values in your code.
      xval - x-value
      inteprolated y-value
    • getValue

      public double getValue(long timestamp)
      Retrieves datapoint value based on a given timestamp. Use this method if you only have one series of data in this class. Method overridden from the base class. This method will be called by the framework. Call this method only if you need spline-interpolated values in your code.
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface IPlottable
      Specified by:
      getValue in class Plottable
      timestamp - Timestamp in seconds for the datapoint.
      Double value of the datapoint.