
A tool for setting up and hosting an apt repository using github pages to host.

apt-git personal repository tool

This tool helps developers host their own applications by posting them to github pages for download.

    -d \ --directory
          Work in this directory, uses current directory by default
     -o \ --origin
          URL of the repository
    -c \ --codename
          Codename you want to use, defaults is \"testing\"
    -a \ --arch
          Architecture you want to host, defaults to \"all\"
    -p \ --policy
          Policy of packages you want to host, defaults to \"main\"
    -k \ --key
          ID of the package signing key
    -s \ --sources
          Folder with the packages to include in the repo
    -q \ --override
          Name of the override file
    -m \ --message
          Message to include in the commit
    -c \ --check
          Make sure the dependencies are installed
    -r \ --reset
          Re-generate all components of the repository
    -u \ --user \ --org \ --organization
          Us as user/organization page, post page to master branch
    -h \ --help 
          Display this help message

to add this repository to your Debian-based system:

The key for this repository has recently been changed(11/20/2015) coinciding with me doing my building on a much nicer machine. Just go ahead and exchange the keys.

    echo "deb https://fyrix.github.io/apt-git/debian nightly main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/source.list.d/nightly.github.io.list
    wget -qO - https://fyrix.github.io/apt-git/fyrix.github.io.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -