Class PeerState

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PeerState extends Object
Contain all of the state about a UDP connection to a peer. This is instantiated only after a connection is fully established. Public only for UI peers page. Not a public API, not for external use.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected final RouterContext
    protected boolean
    have we migrated away from this peer to another newer one?
    protected final Map<Long,InboundMessageState>
    list of InboundMessageState for active message
    protected final boolean
    is it inbound?
    protected final long
    when were the current cipher and MAC keys established/rekeyed?
    protected long
    when did we last send ACKs to the peer?
    protected final Log
    protected int
    what is the largest packet we can currently send to the peer?
    protected int
    how many dup packets were received within the last RETRANSMISSION_PERIOD_WIDTH packets
    protected RemoteHostId
    cached RemoteHostId, used to find the peerState by remote info
    protected final byte[]
    what IP is the peer sending and receiving packets on?
    protected InetAddress
    cached IP address
    protected final Hash
    The peer are we talking to.
    protected int
    what port is the peer sending and receiving packets on?
    protected int
    current round trip time estimate
    protected final UDPTransport
    protected long
    when did we decide we need to ACK to this peer?
    protected static final int
    how frequently do we want to send ACKs to a peer?
    protected static final int
    static final int
    IPv4 Max MTU based on measurements, 1350 fits nearly all reasonably small I2NP messages (larger I2NP messages may be up to 1900B-4500B, which isn't going to fit into a live network MTU anyway) TODO VTBM is 2646, it would be nice to fit in two large 2646 / 2 = 1323 1323 + 74 + 46 + 1 + (4 * 9) = 1480 So why not make it 1492 (old ethernet is 1492, new is 1500) Changed to 1492 in 0.8.9 BUT through 0.8.11, size estimate was bad, actual packet was up to 48 bytes bigger To be figured out.
    static final int
    static final int
    Max of IPv4 and IPv6 max MTUs
    static final int
    IPv6/UDP header is 48 bytes, so we want MTU % 16 == 0.
    static final int
    IPv4 Min MTU 596 gives us 588 IP byes, 568 UDP bytes, and with an SSU data message, 522 fragment bytes, which is enough to send a tunnel data message in 2 packets.
    (package private) static final long
    how many packets will be considered within the retransmission rate calculation
  • Constructor Summary

    PeerState(RouterContext ctx, UDPTransport transport, byte[] remoteIP, int remotePort, Hash remotePeer, boolean isInbound, int rtt, SessionKey cipherKey, SessionKey macKey)
    SSU 1 only.
    PeerState(RouterContext ctx, UDPTransport transport, InetSocketAddress addr, Hash remotePeer, boolean isInbound, int rtt)
    For SSU2
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    (package private) boolean
    acked(long messageId, InboundMessageFragments.ModifiableLong highestSeqNumAcked)
    A full ACK was received.
    (package private) boolean
    A partial ACK was received.
    protected boolean
    An ACK of a fragment was received.
    (package private) void
    TODO should this use a queue, separate from the list of msgs pending an ack? TODO bring back tail drop? TODO priority queue? (we don't implement priorities in SSU now) TODO backlog / pushback / block instead of dropping? Can't really block here.
    (package private) void
    adjustClockSkew(long skew)
    Update the moving-average clock skew based on the current difference.
    (package private) List<OutboundMessageState>
    allocateSend(long now)
    Pick one or more messages we want to send and allocate them out of our window Adjusts the retransmit timer if necessary.
    (package private) void
    changePort(int newPort)
    Caller should sync; UDPTransport must remove and add to peersByRemoteHost map
    (package private) void
    All acks have been sent.
    (package private) void
    (package private) void
    drop all outbound messages
    (package private) void
    We received a backoff request, so cut our send window.
    (package private) int
    Expire partially received inbound messages, returning how many are still pending.
    (package private) void
    SSU 1 only.
    (package private) int
    finishMessages(long now)
    Expire / complete any outbound messages High usage - OutboundMessageFragments.getNextVolley() calls this 1st.
    (package private) int
    Packet overhead plus room for acks
    (package private) int
    how much payload data can we shove in there?
    How far off is the remote peer from our clock, in milliseconds? A positive number means our clock is ahead of theirs.
    2nd stat in CWND column, otherwise unused, candidate for removal
    3rd stat in CWND column, otherwise unused, candidate for removal
    how many seconds have we sent packets without any ACKs received?
    4th stat in CWND column, otherwise unused, candidate for removal
    (package private) SessionKey
    The AES key used to encrypt/decrypt packets, set only after the connection is established.
    (package private) List<Long>
    Grab a list of message ids (Long) that we want to send to the remote peer, regardless of the packet size, but don't remove it from our "want to send" list.
    (package private) SessionKey
    The AES key used to verify packets, set only after the connection is established.
    (package private) List<Long>
    Grab a list of message ids (Long) that we want to send to the remote peer, regardless of the packet size, but don't remove it from our "want to send" list.
    (package private) Map<Long,InboundMessageState>
    Fetch the internal id (Long) to InboundMessageState for incomplete inbound messages.
    (package private) long
    the last time we used them as an introducer, or 0
    When were the current cipher and MAC keys established/rekeyed? This is the connection uptime.
    when did we last send an ACK to the peer?
    when did we last receive a packet from them?
    when did we last send them a message that was ACKed?
    (package private) long
    Latest of last sent, last ACK, last ping
    when did we last send them a packet?
    I2NP messages received.
    I2NP messages sent.
    what is the largest packet we can send to the peer?
    (package private) SessionKey
    The pending AES key for encrypting/decrypting packets if we are rekeying the connection, or null if we are not in the process of rekeying.
    (package private) int
    getNextDelay(long now)
    High usage - OutboundMessageFragments.getNextVolley() calls this 3rd, if allocateSend() returned null.
    (package private) SessionKey
    The pending AES key for verifying packets if we are rekeying the connection, or null if we are not in the process of rekeying.
    An approximation, for display only
    Estimate how large the other side's MTU is.
    (package private) RemoteHostId
    what IP is the peer sending and receiving packets on?
    The peer are we talking to.
    what port is the peer sending and receiving packets on?
    how soon should we retransmit an unacked packet?
    how long does it usually take to get a message ACKed?
    how skewed are the measured RTTs?
    The Westwood+ bandwidth estimate
    how many bytes should we send to the peer in a second 1st stat in CWND column, otherwise unused, candidate for removal
    how many bytes can we send to the peer in the current second
    stat in SST column, otherwise unused, candidate for removal
    If they have offered to serve as an introducer to us, this is the tag we can use to publish that fact.
    (package private) UDPTransport
    Convenience for OutboundMessageState so it can fail itself
    if we are serving as an introducer to them, this is the the tag that they can publish that, when presented to us, will cause us to send a relay introduction to the current peer
    (package private) boolean
    highestSeqNumAcked(long highest)
    Enter or leave fast retransmit mode, and adjust SST and window variables accordingly.
    (package private) int
    (package private) void
    Transfer the basic activity/state from the old peer to the current peer SSU 1 or 2.
    (package private) void
    messageFullyReceived(Long messageId, int bytes)
    We received the message specified completely.
    (package private) void
    We received a partial message, or we want to send some acks.
    protected void
    We received a partial message, or we want to send some acks.
    (package private) void
    messageRetransmitted(int packets, int maxPktSz)
    we are resending a packet, so lets jack up the rto
    (package private) void
    packetReceived(int size)
    (package private) void
    packetsTransmitted(int packets)
    (package private) void
    The ack was sent.
    (package private) void
    setHisMTU(int mtu)
    (package private) void
    set the last time we used them as an introducer to now
    (package private) void
    setLastPingTime(long when)
    Note ping sent.
    (package private) void
    setLastReceiveTime(long when)
    when did we last receive a packet from them?
    (package private) void
    setLastSendTime(long when)
    when did we last send them a packet?
    Sets to true.
    (package private) void
    If they have offered to serve as an introducer to us, this is the tag we can use to publish that fact.
    (package private) void
    if we are serving as an introducer to them, this is the the tag that they can publish that, when presented to us, will cause us to send a relay introduction to the current peer
    protected boolean
    SSU 2 only
    (package private) boolean
    Are we out of room to send all the current unsent acks in a single packet? This is a huge threshold (134 for small MTU and 255 for large MTU) that is rarely if ever exceeded in practice.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • _context

      protected final RouterContext _context
    • _log

      protected final Log _log
    • _remotePeer

      protected final Hash _remotePeer
      The peer are we talking to. This should be set as soon as this state is created if we are initiating a connection, but if we are receiving the connection this will be set only after the connection is established.
    • _keyEstablishedTime

      protected final long _keyEstablishedTime
      when were the current cipher and MAC keys established/rekeyed?
    • _lastACKSend

      protected volatile long _lastACKSend
      when did we last send ACKs to the peer?
    • _wantACKSendSince

      protected volatile long _wantACKSendSince
      when did we decide we need to ACK to this peer?
    • _remoteIP

      protected final byte[] _remoteIP
      what IP is the peer sending and receiving packets on?
    • _remoteIPAddress

      protected volatile InetAddress _remoteIPAddress
      cached IP address
    • _remotePort

      protected volatile int _remotePort
      what port is the peer sending and receiving packets on?
    • _remoteHostId

      protected volatile RemoteHostId _remoteHostId
      cached RemoteHostId, used to find the peerState by remote info
    • _mtu

      protected int _mtu
      what is the largest packet we can currently send to the peer?
    • _rtt

      protected int _rtt
      current round trip time estimate

      static final long RETRANSMISSION_PERIOD_WIDTH
      how many packets will be considered within the retransmission rate calculation
      See Also:
    • _packetsReceivedDuplicate

      protected int _packetsReceivedDuplicate
      how many dup packets were received within the last RETRANSMISSION_PERIOD_WIDTH packets
    • _inboundMessages

      protected final Map<Long,InboundMessageState> _inboundMessages
      list of InboundMessageState for active message
    • _transport

      protected final UDPTransport _transport
    • _dead

      protected volatile boolean _dead
      have we migrated away from this peer to another newer one?
    • _isInbound

      protected final boolean _isInbound
      is it inbound?
    • MIN_MTU

      public static final int MIN_MTU
      IPv4 Min MTU 596 gives us 588 IP byes, 568 UDP bytes, and with an SSU data message, 522 fragment bytes, which is enough to send a tunnel data message in 2 packets. A tunnel data message sent over the wire is 1044 bytes, meaning we need 522 fragment bytes to fit it in 2 packets - add 46 for SSU, 20 for UDP, and 8 for IP, giving us 596. round up to mod 16, giving a total of 608 Well, we really need to count the acks as well, especially 1 + (4 * MAX_RESEND_ACKS_SMALL) which can take up a significant amount of space. We reduce the max acks when using the small MTU but it may not be enough... Goal: VTBM msg fragments 2646 / (620 - 87) fits nicely. Assuming that we can enforce an MTU correctly, this % 16 should be 12, as the IP/UDP header is 28 bytes and data max should be mulitple of 16 for padding efficiency, and so PacketBuilder.buildPacket() works correctly.
      See Also:
    • MIN_IPV6_MTU

      public static final int MIN_IPV6_MTU
      IPv6/UDP header is 48 bytes, so we want MTU % 16 == 0.
      See Also:
    • MAX_IPV6_MTU

      public static final int MAX_IPV6_MTU
      See Also:

      public static final int LARGE_MTU
      IPv4 Max MTU based on measurements, 1350 fits nearly all reasonably small I2NP messages (larger I2NP messages may be up to 1900B-4500B, which isn't going to fit into a live network MTU anyway) TODO VTBM is 2646, it would be nice to fit in two large 2646 / 2 = 1323 1323 + 74 + 46 + 1 + (4 * 9) = 1480 So why not make it 1492 (old ethernet is 1492, new is 1500) Changed to 1492 in 0.8.9 BUT through 0.8.11, size estimate was bad, actual packet was up to 48 bytes bigger To be figured out. Curse the ACKs. Assuming that we can enforce an MTU correctly, this % 16 should be 12, as the IP/UDP header is 28 bytes and data max should be mulitple of 16 for padding efficiency, and so PacketBuilder.buildPacket() works correctly.
      See Also:
    • MAX_MTU

      public static final int MAX_MTU
      Max of IPv4 and IPv6 max MTUs

      protected static final int ACK_FREQUENCY
      how frequently do we want to send ACKs to a peer?
      See Also:

      protected static final int CLOCK_SKEW_FUDGE
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getVersion

      public int getVersion()
    • changePort

      void changePort(int newPort)
      Caller should sync; UDPTransport must remove and add to peersByRemoteHost map
    • getRemotePeer

      public Hash getRemotePeer()
      The peer are we talking to. Non-null.
    • getCurrentMACKey

      SessionKey getCurrentMACKey()
      The AES key used to verify packets, set only after the connection is established. SSU 1 only.
    • getCurrentCipherKey

      SessionKey getCurrentCipherKey()
      The AES key used to encrypt/decrypt packets, set only after the connection is established. SSU 1 only.
    • getNextMACKey

      SessionKey getNextMACKey()
      The pending AES key for verifying packets if we are rekeying the connection, or null if we are not in the process of rekeying. SSU 1 only.
      null always, rekeying unimplemented
    • getNextCipherKey

      SessionKey getNextCipherKey()
      The pending AES key for encrypting/decrypting packets if we are rekeying the connection, or null if we are not in the process of rekeying. SSU 1 only.
      null always, rekeying unimplemented
    • getKeyEstablishedTime

      public long getKeyEstablishedTime()
      When were the current cipher and MAC keys established/rekeyed? This is the connection uptime.
    • getClockSkew

      public long getClockSkew()
      How far off is the remote peer from our clock, in milliseconds? A positive number means our clock is ahead of theirs.
    • getLastSendTime

      public long getLastSendTime()
      when did we last send them a packet?
    • getLastSendFullyTime

      public long getLastSendFullyTime()
      when did we last send them a message that was ACKed?
    • getLastReceiveTime

      public long getLastReceiveTime()
      when did we last receive a packet from them?
    • getConsecutiveFailedSends

      public int getConsecutiveFailedSends()
      how many seconds have we sent packets without any ACKs received?
    • getSendWindowBytes

      public int getSendWindowBytes()
      how many bytes should we send to the peer in a second 1st stat in CWND column, otherwise unused, candidate for removal
    • getSendWindowBytesRemaining

      public int getSendWindowBytesRemaining()
      how many bytes can we send to the peer in the current second
    • getRemoteIP

      public byte[] getRemoteIP()
      what IP is the peer sending and receiving packets on?
    • getRemoteIPAddress

      public InetAddress getRemoteIPAddress()
      may be null if IP is invalid
    • getRemotePort

      public int getRemotePort()
      what port is the peer sending and receiving packets on?
    • getWeRelayToThemAs

      public long getWeRelayToThemAs()
      if we are serving as an introducer to them, this is the the tag that they can publish that, when presented to us, will cause us to send a relay introduction to the current peer
      0 (no relay) if unset previously
    • getTheyRelayToUsAs

      public long getTheyRelayToUsAs()
      If they have offered to serve as an introducer to us, this is the tag we can use to publish that fact.
      0 (no relay) if unset previously
    • getMTU

      public int getMTU()
      what is the largest packet we can send to the peer?
    • getReceiveMTU

      public int getReceiveMTU()
      Estimate how large the other side's MTU is. This could be wrong. It is used only for the HTML status.
    • adjustClockSkew

      void adjustClockSkew(long skew)
      Update the moving-average clock skew based on the current difference. The raw skew will be adjusted for RTT/2 here. A positive number means our clock is ahead of theirs.
      skew - milliseconds, NOT adjusted for RTT.
    • setLastSendTime

      void setLastSendTime(long when)
      when did we last send them a packet?
    • setLastReceiveTime

      void setLastReceiveTime(long when)
      when did we last receive a packet from them?
    • setLastPingTime

      void setLastPingTime(long when)
      Note ping sent. Does not update last send time.
    • getLastSendOrPingTime

      long getLastSendOrPingTime()
      Latest of last sent, last ACK, last ping
    • getSendBps

      public int getSendBps()
      The Westwood+ bandwidth estimate
      the smoothed send transfer rate
    • getReceiveBps

      public int getReceiveBps()
      An approximation, for display only
      the smoothed receive transfer rate
    • incrementConsecutiveFailedSends

      int incrementConsecutiveFailedSends()
    • getInactivityTime

      public long getInactivityTime()
    • setWeRelayToThemAs

      void setWeRelayToThemAs(long tag)
      if we are serving as an introducer to them, this is the the tag that they can publish that, when presented to us, will cause us to send a relay introduction to the current peer
      tag - 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE, or 0 if relaying disabled
    • setTheyRelayToUsAs

      void setTheyRelayToUsAs(long tag)
      If they have offered to serve as an introducer to us, this is the tag we can use to publish that fact.
      tag - 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE, or 0 if relaying disabled
    • getSlowStartThreshold

      public int getSlowStartThreshold()
      stat in SST column, otherwise unused, candidate for removal
    • getConcurrentSends

      public int getConcurrentSends()
      2nd stat in CWND column, otherwise unused, candidate for removal
    • getConcurrentSendWindow

      public int getConcurrentSendWindow()
      3rd stat in CWND column, otherwise unused, candidate for removal
    • getConsecutiveSendRejections

      public int getConsecutiveSendRejections()
      4th stat in CWND column, otherwise unused, candidate for removal
    • isInbound

      public boolean isInbound()
    • isIPv6

      public boolean isIPv6()
    • getIntroducerTime

      long getIntroducerTime()
      the last time we used them as an introducer, or 0
    • setIntroducerTime

      void setIntroducerTime()
      set the last time we used them as an introducer to now
    • messageFullyReceived

      void messageFullyReceived(Long messageId, int bytes)
      We received the message specified completely.
      bytes - if less than or equal to zero, message is a duplicate.
    • messagePartiallyReceived

      void messagePartiallyReceived()
      We received a partial message, or we want to send some acks.
    • messagePartiallyReceived

      protected void messagePartiallyReceived(long now)
      We received a partial message, or we want to send some acks.
    • getInboundMessages

      Map<Long,InboundMessageState> getInboundMessages()
      Fetch the internal id (Long) to InboundMessageState for incomplete inbound messages. Access to this map must be synchronized explicitly!
    • expireInboundMessages

      int expireInboundMessages()
      Expire partially received inbound messages, returning how many are still pending. This should probably be fired periodically, in case a peer goes silent and we don't try to send them any messages (and don't receive any messages from them either)
    • getCurrentFullACKs

      List<Long> getCurrentFullACKs()
      Grab a list of message ids (Long) that we want to send to the remote peer, regardless of the packet size, but don't remove it from our "want to send" list. If the message id is transmitted to the peer, removeACKMessage(Long) should be called. The returned list contains acks not yet sent only. The caller should NOT transmit all of them all the time, even if there is room, or the packets will have way too much overhead. SSU 1 only.
      a new list, do as you like with it
    • getCurrentResendACKs

      List<Long> getCurrentResendACKs()
      Grab a list of message ids (Long) that we want to send to the remote peer, regardless of the packet size, but don't remove it from our "want to send" list. The returned list contains a random assortment of acks already sent. The caller should NOT transmit all of them all the time, even if there is room, or the packets will have way too much overhead. SSU 1 only.
      a new list, do as you like with it
      0.8.12 was included in getCurrentFullACKs()
    • removeACKMessage

      void removeACKMessage(Long messageId)
      The ack was sent. Side effect - sets _lastACKSend SSU 1 only.
    • fetchPartialACKs

      void fetchPartialACKs(List<ACKBitfield> rv)
      SSU 1 only.
      rv - out parameter, populated with true partial ACKBitfields. no full bitfields are included.
    • setHisMTU

      void setHisMTU(int mtu)
    • messageRetransmitted

      void messageRetransmitted(int packets, int maxPktSz)
      we are resending a packet, so lets jack up the rto
    • packetsTransmitted

      void packetsTransmitted(int packets)
    • getRTT

      public int getRTT()
      how long does it usually take to get a message ACKed?
    • getRTO

      public int getRTO()
      how soon should we retransmit an unacked packet?
    • getRTTDeviation

      public int getRTTDeviation()
      how skewed are the measured RTTs?
    • getMessagesSent

      public int getMessagesSent()
      I2NP messages sent. Does not include duplicates. As of 0.9.24, incremented when bandwidth is allocated just before sending, not when acked.
    • getMessagesReceived

      public int getMessagesReceived()
      I2NP messages received. As of 0.9.24, does not include duplicates.
    • getPacketsTransmitted

      public int getPacketsTransmitted()
    • getPacketsRetransmitted

      public int getPacketsRetransmitted()
    • getPacketsReceived

      public int getPacketsReceived()
    • getPacketsReceivedDuplicate

      public int getPacketsReceivedDuplicate()
    • packetReceived

      void packetReceived(int size)
      size - not including IP header, UDP header, MAC or IV
    • ECNReceived

      void ECNReceived()
      We received a backoff request, so cut our send window. NOTE: ECN sending is unimplemented, this is never called.
    • dataReceived

      void dataReceived()
    • getLastACKSend

      public long getLastACKSend()
      when did we last send an ACK to the peer?
    • clearWantedACKSendSince

      void clearWantedACKSendSince()
      All acks have been sent. SSU 1 only.
    • unsentACKThresholdReached

      boolean unsentACKThresholdReached()
      Are we out of room to send all the current unsent acks in a single packet? This is a huge threshold (134 for small MTU and 255 for large MTU) that is rarely if ever exceeded in practice. So just use a fixed threshold of half the resend acks, so that if the packet is lost the acks have a decent chance of getting retransmitted. Used only by ACKSender. SSU 1 only.
    • getRemoteHostId

      RemoteHostId getRemoteHostId()
    • add

      void add(OutboundMessageState state)
      TODO should this use a queue, separate from the list of msgs pending an ack? TODO bring back tail drop? TODO priority queue? (we don't implement priorities in SSU now) TODO backlog / pushback / block instead of dropping? Can't really block here. TODO SSU does not support isBacklogged() now
    • dropOutbound

      void dropOutbound()
      drop all outbound messages
    • getOutboundMessageCount

      public int getOutboundMessageCount()
      number of active outbound messages remaining (unsynchronized)
    • setMayDisconnect

      public void setMayDisconnect()
      Sets to true.
    • getMayDisconnect

      public boolean getMayDisconnect()
    • finishMessages

      int finishMessages(long now)
      Expire / complete any outbound messages High usage - OutboundMessageFragments.getNextVolley() calls this 1st. TODO combine finishMessages(), allocateSend(), and getNextDelay() so we don't iterate 3 times.
      number of active outbound messages remaining
    • allocateSend

      List<OutboundMessageState> allocateSend(long now)
      Pick one or more messages we want to send and allocate them out of our window Adjusts the retransmit timer if necessary. High usage - OutboundMessageFragments.getNextVolley() calls this 2nd, if finishMessages() returned > 0. TODO combine finishMessages() and allocateSend() so we don't iterate 2 times.
      allocated messages to send (never empty), or null if no messages or no resources
    • getNextDelay

      int getNextDelay(long now)
      High usage - OutboundMessageFragments.getNextVolley() calls this 3rd, if allocateSend() returned null. TODO combine finishMessages(), allocateSend() so we don't iterate 2 times.
      now - what time it is now
      how long to wait before sending, or Integer.MAX_VALUE if we have nothing to send. If ready now, will return 0.
    • isBacklogged

      public boolean isBacklogged()
    • fragmentSize

      int fragmentSize()
      how much payload data can we shove in there?
      MTU - 87, i.e. 533 or 1397 (IPv4), MTU - 107 (IPv6)
    • fragmentOverhead

      int fragmentOverhead()
      Packet overhead plus room for acks
      87 (IPv4), 107 (IPv6)
    • acked

      boolean acked(long messageId, InboundMessageFragments.ModifiableLong highestSeqNumAcked)
      A full ACK was received. TODO if messages awaiting ack were a HashMap<Long, OutboundMessageState> this would be faster. SSU 1 only.
      highestSeqNumAcked - in/out param, will modify if this seq. number is higher
      true if the message was acked for the first time
    • acked

      boolean acked(ACKBitfield bitfield, InboundMessageFragments.ModifiableLong highestSeqNumAcked)
      A partial ACK was received. This is much less common than full ACKs. SSU 1 only.
      highestSeqNumAcked - in/out param, will modify if this seq. number is higher
      true if any fragment of the message was completely acked for the first time
    • acked

      protected boolean acked(PacketBuilder.Fragment f)
      An ACK of a fragment was received. SSU 2 only.
      true if this fragment of the message was acked for the first time
    • highestSeqNumAcked

      boolean highestSeqNumAcked(long highest)
      Enter or leave fast retransmit mode, and adjust SST and window variables accordingly. See RFC 5681 sec. 2.4
      highest - the highest sequence number that was acked
      true if we have something to fast-retransmit
    • shouldRequestImmediateAck

      protected boolean shouldRequestImmediateAck()
      SSU 2 only
    • loadFrom

      void loadFrom(PeerState oldPeer)
      Transfer the basic activity/state from the old peer to the current peer SSU 1 or 2.
      oldPeer - non-null
    • getTransport

      UDPTransport getTransport()
      Convenience for OutboundMessageState so it can fail itself
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object