Uses of Package

Packages that use net.i2p.util
Core I2P package, contains information about the I2P version and an entry point to access important elements.
The addressbook application, which fetches hosts.txt files from subscription URLs via HTTP and adds new hosts to the local database.
Implements the base I2P SDK for developing applications that communicate through I2P.
Provides a standard way for querying the local naming service to resolve a name into a Destination (without the complexity of JNDI).
API, interfaces, and factory for a TCP-like (reliable, authenticated, in order) set of sockets for communicating over the IP-like (unreliable, unauthenticated, unordered) I2P messages.
Implementation of a TCP-like (reliable, authenticated, in order) set of sockets for communicating over the IP-like (unreliable, unauthenticated, unordered) I2P messages.
These classes provide a number of low-level cryptographic routines.
These classes define the common data structures used by the various I2P protocols.
This package defines the low-level messages sent between routers, called the Invisible Internet Network Protocol (I2NP).
Classes formerly in but moved here as they are only used by the router.
Implementation of preconfigured tunnels, both for clients and servers, and a UI for adding more and editing the configuration.
Filters for the IRC client tunnel, and DCC handlers.
SOCKS 4, 4a, and 5 client tunnels.
Special-purpose client and server tunnels for streaming UDP clients and servers, generally for audio and video streaming.
The UI for adding tunnels and editing their configurations, implemented as a webapp packaged in i2ptunnel.war.
The I2P router application handles the I2P network communication.
Implements the router side of the I2CP interface, which is the API for applications to send and receive data through the router.
Implementation of ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet (proposal 144).
The network database, including implementation of floodfills.
Classes to parse the I2P news format, which follows the Atom standard with additional metadata for the I2P update notification feature.
The I2P startup package loads the configuration when I2P is started.
Miscellaneous classes, mostly things that are executed periodically as Jobs, Threads, and SimpleTimer.TimedEvents.
Provides classes for time synchronization using NTP.
The transport system allows the usage of communication layers that are below I2P in the stack, on which I2P messages are sent.
DH key generation.
The NTCP transport allows passing I2P messages on top of TCP.
The UDP transport (also known as 'SSU transport') allows passing I2P messages on top of UDP.
All the work of managing locally created and participating tunnels, creating and handling tunnel messages, and their encryption.
Tunnel creation, tunnel build message handling.
Classes to implement the update process.
These classes define the several useful utilities used throughout the router.
The router console user interface, implemented in routerconsole.jar, with these classes supporting the webapp in routerconsole.war.
Helpers and handlers for the router console user interface, with these classes supporting the webapp in routerconsole.war.
The SAM client API.
These classes define the several useful utilities used throughout the router and applications.
I2P version of the snark bittorrent client, imported in 2005 and heavily enhanced to add a web UI, DHT support, and other features.
The i2psnark user interface, implemented as a webapp in i2psnark.war.